Motivational Monday ♥
Every Monday morning at approximately 6:30 am PST you can join me LIVE on Facebook for our Motivation for the week!
You can either follow me on Facebook at JoinPriscilla or you can text the word “LIVE” to 559-296-9162 and you will get a notification every time I go LIVE♥
We will have a FOCUS for the week that we can all concentrate on together, giving us more power to reach our heart, fill ourselves up, and then share with the world♥
Please take a pic of our card of the week, place that pic all around you where you can see it all week. Maybe make it your cell phone/computer background. Take some notes that jump out at you, write out the message for the week on an index card, and really go deep with your message from all of this. Get quiet and listen to your heart♥
A post with this week’s Motivation will be posted below, so bookmark this page so you can enjoy the message♥
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2-17-2020 🦩Motivational Monday🦩 ☕️Coffee with Priscilla 269
Today we FOCUS together on being KIND♥, being intentional with our thoughts and creating new habits.
Listen in…👀
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2-10-2020 🦩Motivational Monday🦩 ☕️Coffee with Priscilla 266
Today we FOCUS together on staying in our lane, running our own race and being the amazing Unique person we are….and tapping into our Super Sexy self♥
Listen in…👀
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02-3-2020 🦩Motivational Monday🦩
☕️Coffee with Priscilla 263
Today we FOCUS together on being ABUNDANT and feeding our subconscious mind♥
Listen in to this week’s message…👀
#TheREALPriscillaLBrooks 🌺
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1-27-2020 🦩Motivational Monday🦩
Be OPEN To Prosper♥
☕️Coffee with Priscilla 260
Today we FOCUS on being OPEN to all things and claiming our gift of PROSPERING♥
Listen in to this week’s message…👀
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01-13-2020 Motivational Monday ~ I AM Sincere
Coffee with Priscilla 255
Today and throughout the week we will FOCUS on being Sincere♥ Finding our inner light, breathing in LOVE♥ and exhaling any hurt, pain or negative thoughts. The fight is with GOD, not us♥ We are only to LOVE, forgive, and share our divine gifts with others.
Listen in to this week’s message….
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01-06-2020 Motivational Monday ~ I AM Powerful
Today and throughout the week we FOCUS on being POWERFUL! Using our abilities, not leaving them behind, so our legacy will be left for others to share as well.
Know and believe your true worth♥
You can do this….just Believe, get quiet, listen to your heart and SHARE your true self with the world and SUCCESS will be yours.
Do not compare yourself to others, they are not YOU and YOU are not them. Each of your are unique and bring different divine gifts to share with the world♥
Now let’s go DEEP within and really live and breath this message this week.
Listen in to this week’s message…
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