Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Happy Thanksgiving 2018, what are you thankful for this year?  No matter what we may be going through right now, we all have a ton to be thankful for.

So, as we get ready to begin Thanksgiving week, let’s keep this in mind.  There are many people who aren’t able to celebrate certain holidays anymore.

Maybe they lost a loved one just before Thanksgiving, like my dear friend Patti Smith just a year ago tomorrow……can you imagine?  Thanksgiving will never be the same for her family.

Or maybe someone has lost a child and the memories are just to raw, too hard to endure, seeing that empty place setting~

And you may just have your mom currently fighting for her life with cancer eating up her liver.

Now I don’t say this to make you sad, or so you will feel guilty for having your family together.  In fact, I share this with you so you will take that extra step to endure the annoying family members for just one day.  To tolerate your moms traditions that may annoy you.  And just share Love

Make some new and special memories this Thanksgiving, and be kind.  It’s only one day, but it is a lifetime of memories.  Make them count

Love to you all on this 2018 Thanksgiving Holiday

Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom

PS If you are a bereaved mom missing her child on this Thanksgiving Holiday, go to my blog in memory of my son Cliff and join me on Thanksgiving morning as we get together and share

#HappyThanksgiving  #2018ThanksgivingHoliday  #BeKind  #BeThankful  #BereavedMoms

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